Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mumsie and popopsicle skyping Erin in Taiwan, they are so cute.

The 10 dollar hat from the circus that the girls gave me and mum.

Words I read right before bed, to remiiiind me.

Hawking today, my hair is getting loooong.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Zing Zang Zoom

 The two angels that live down the street. Me and dad took them to Florence this Saturday and saw Barnum and Bailey's circus at the civic center, we were about as high up as we could go but we all loved it. My favourite part was when a clown broke character and laughed maniacally, just like Joker, it was beautiful.
Great time, I want to go to clown college in Florida now, you know, Ringling.

I took some pictures but then my camera ran out of batteries so here are the first few acts. and preshow pictures because I was so excited.
 The last act used the metal circular cage as a container for three motorcycles and an acrobat, the motorcycles were all zipping around at very high speeds, going upside down and circling each other, one thing goes wrong and it becomes their coffin, I was totally on the edge of my seat.

                                                          Urias. Hmmmm happiness.
 The guy on at the bottom right of the ring was the evil=laughter-from-nowhere guy. LoveLoveLove
                                   Acrobats, being all cool.
                                            Opening act. Phenomenal.
 You can't see it very well but that is a motorcycle on a tightrope with two acrobats hanging off of it.
I reallllllly want to learn how to walk on a tightrope one day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines you scary old thing.

I look really tired, it was the end of the day, for which I had been up since 3 a.m.
Me and mum had a good time, shopping, getting free food (Taco Bell even gave out free roses to all the ladies.)

On the subject of jeans.

Making these aweful American Eagle jeans that EVERYONE I KNOW HAS that someone gave me because they pitied me and thought I had no money to buy mainstream commercial clothes (and I don;t, but my style senses were very offended.)But I made them into skinnies. they are still hideous. 


Also! I finally got the Delia's jeans that I have been lusting after for almost a year.



 Wigs Wigs Wigs, I want more, but want is a bad thing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hawkshaws, clown, and puppets.

Lookit the camera people!

We were so hungry after walking around all day.

Being all cute

Our boy, Karl Holiday.

Yeah, we're pretty awesome as arch Nemesis. We actually kinda look like Je ne suis pas ton Clown and A rather grumpy-looking Kain. (hfbscsyd frecklessss)

Nenn looking good next to our cast party feast.

Remnants of our tomfoolery puppet hands.

Great food!

Frank.Was.Creepy-looking. Which is ironic because he is the cheeriest!

A bit of Frank, And Sarah holding Haley.

from left to right: Dallin, Frank on Lexi's lap, Sarah, Nenners, Moriah, and in the corner, Jessie.

Frank's bracelet.

I'm sorry, it was so pretty.

Protagonist and Antagonist, after all she was trying to stop me!

Jessie and Haley, haley harassed the dog the dog the whole time!
Well. as some of you know, me and my friends made a short film about a killer clown, detectives, and pixie sticks.
We need to do this more often.
So thank you to our director Dallin (Pocolla Sam), his lovely sister Lexi (Max McCleod), Moriah (Sassy Bethel), who must've driven over a hundred miles everywhere, Jessie (Smores), who was my favourite to put puppet makeup on, Sarah (Belle Carolina), who kept up with me on my bike the whole way, Frank (Angel Homelight), who was a constant source of humor, food antics, and pixie sticks, Jennen (Duke Rosewood), who without which I would not be alive, and last but not least, Haley (Karl Holiday, whose name is a mix of the Martian Karl Owens and his bff Kain Holiday), who stole the show.