Saturday, December 18, 2010

Everything needs a coffin (Christmalloween)

Well, First, Christmalloween in a new tradition installed by Ian, who needs a new keychain very badly.  Ian's real name is Ian Mckay Buie but in my dream his last name was Phillip(s). That is why the gold lettering says "IMP" those initials were on a gold plaque on the side of his coffin, but here is WHY Ian is getting a coffin keychain for Christmalloween:

Heather Stevenson November 25 at 7:19am
IAN! Ian I JUST woke up and Ian, I dreamt you had died.
Last times I saw you alive we were laughing at a winter sweater in the church parking lot and then we were at this school and you were playing hooky but you were there get this- invisible but I wanted to talk to you and you were upset about something and I lost you in the crowd but I kept on looking for you.
Later I saw lindsey who told me you were dead. I was really shocked. you had slid and fell on the ice in the church parking lot and broke you neck/cracked you skull or something (lame way to die yo). So I ran to the funeral home where your body was in a coffin with some other ppl but I saw all of you dead ppl just sitting around, like you were waiting for me or something, and you were all ghosts. Happy? Yu have no idea, I was still able to talk to you. We spent the next three days just talking, walking around, laughing, I made sure you had written your will, I tried to forget that as soon as they took you out of the funeral home, I would never see you again, ghost or body. The last time I saw you dead I gave you a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye, thinking I;d see you tomorrow, thinking everyday could go on like this with my wonderful ghost friend. But, of course all good things come to an end. One night I went to the funeral home. three coffins were on the porch and I knew one of them was yours. all the other nice ghost people we stayed with had their coffins picked up by family members already. Your coffin was on the bottom of the pile so I took it out so I could see it properly. It was a beautiful coffin Ian. and only then did I get my old fear of corpses. as we were walking away it finally hit me that you were dead and I got really sad. I woke up still thinking you were dead, geez it was so real. so uh, don't die unless you can haunt me the rest of your life okay Ian?

worship's story, Or new, you have a strong bond with her right now it seems 
Ian Buie November 25 at 12:09pm Report
that kinda hit home in a sad, weird way.
And soooo:

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