Saturday, August 27, 2011


Earrings for sale on etsy here:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Thinking about my hair dying days lately. Are the over?

My outfits this week have been rather colour subdued.

Been trying my hand at really sloppy cross stitch. I like the sloppy.

Muskrat necklace preview. THIS GUY IS AWESOME.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ha, Ian,

He likes to leave cryptic messages on my face.

(p.s. The messages say " I am bored and you look like a piece of paper.")

Life lately.

I have fallen in love with him! Him and his dandy little top hat <3

Got this guy for $2, I've had my eye on him for a white but never thought I'd get him for such a deal! I want carol too now.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Erin est tres mignonne.

She also is leaving tomorrow. She also^2 just washed a bunch of feathers from a very dead vulture, because she is much more hardcore than you.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Little Dead

Found this guy on the way back from dropping dad off at work. So I jumped into some jeans and walked down to where it was and picked it up. Little mocking bird fledgling, recently hit by a car, broken leg and wings(probably back too) and guts coming out of it's nether-regions. I buried it but kept the legs. I mean, this makes me sort of sad. It was still was warm. It still had foggy eyes and weird head fuzz. Just a baby. no real flight feathers AT ALL, still soft little lips instead of a mean sharp beak. And the fluffiest down I've ever seen on a bird chest. Geez. As much as mocking birds can be a pain, I hate to see a baby bird down like this.

Over and out, little bird.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Made another necklace. And wing clips.

Preserved and painted bird foot, bird femur, cameo and bird tail feathers, small carnivore molar, and key. The back is a lobster claw clasp with a red teardrop glass bead.

 Also wings hair clips I made for my sister.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Might be for sale soon. I need to get an etsy/paypal...

Bird Trophy necklace with Button eyes.

wing brooch

Close up of the bird brooch, it is so pretty, I'll definitely be making more.

Ear-wings and Bird feet earrings.

Ear-wings and bird feet earrings, also bird head trophy. Button not for sale.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Breakfast the day of travel, and we have two huge boxes of peaches so mum has been canning like crazy.

erin making Lasagna

Mom's turn to wear the Eucalyptus.

Don showing off his mad skills.

<3 this woman.

They really do have pretty floors in their new home.

Aunt Cat and Uncle Don singing in their new home in Charleston.


She even let me cut that gorgeous hair, It was my first time using scissors instead of a razorcomb.

Pointy toes!

Erin took these really incredible pictures of mum.


I mean really, These two go boogie boarding every evening together, how old are you, 12? So cute!!! <3 <3

My new dress I sewed and Erin getting ready

Getting purty for the day.

My turn! I love these things, someone called me a fairy at Goodwill.

2 for $20 at Urban Outfitters, I love UO. Finally got something from there.

My new dark and vampy lipstick. I love it.